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Land and Building Healings

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Land and Building Healings

Most everyone can relate to entering a room and feeling at home. You find yourself drawn back to this space of warmth, welcoming, and good vibes. A space where you can think clearly, be productive, and be yourself. On the other hand, we’ve all been in spaces where we can’t wait to leave, something doesn’t feel right, and the hair goes up on the back of our necks. Oftentimes, the dissonance comes from actions that have taken place on the land without acknowledgment of the past. The energies have lingered and have not been cleared.  

Working with the land and the buildings, we are able to shift that energy into a more calm, peaceful, and energized space where those who then enter are more in flow and in sync with themselves and each other. Acknowledging, bringing love and calm, and utilizing energetic technologies can shift energy to harmonize the land and building with a greater vision of a connected, peace-filled area.

Scenarios of doing this work include:

  • A land and building clearing before moving into a new home to clear old energies and setting your vision for your new space

  • Acknowledging and clearing the land before starting a construction site 

  • Older buildings have years of energy built up and doing a land and building clearing can bring rejuvenated energy to the area


Land and
Building Healings

Cleansing and spirit reconciliation work 

Price and time varies based on you needs

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We look for any paranormal energies which are hindering your project

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We come highly recommended by major construction companies

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Energy clearing 
improves project workflow

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Support in connecting to spirit for clarity in moving through challenges 

Price and time varies based on your needs


Connect with Shanny Harder Ronald for support and guidance

Price and time varies based on your needs


Weddings, funerals and life's significant moments

Price and time varies based on your needs


Clearing out the old to make room for the new on all levels. 

Price and time varies based on your needs


Price and time varies based on your needs

Using bones, stones and shells, receive guidance from ancestors and spirit guides. 


Connect with loved ones on the other side to hear their messages 

Price and time varies based on your needs

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