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Shaman for Leaders

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Shaman work is about the practical and the non-ordinary, that which we usually cannot see with our eyes. It is about blending these two, our physical life and the non-physical. The intensity of our world and the stress of our daily lives takes a toll. Shaman work is listening to our higher self, noticing nature, the animals we encounter, plants, the people, and our interactions throughout the day. There is energy between all these interactions, some for just moments, others ongoing. Taking notice of this energy, this vital force, and utilizing it to the fullest can move us forward to a deeper, more empowered and fulfilled life. 

As a Shamanic Practitioner, Shanny works daily with the unseen realms. At the core of her Shaman work is assessing the ordinary and non-ordinary and seeing where energy is asking to shift to bring more flow and ease. Working through blocks in the physical or non-physical fields opens up opportunities for desired outcomes. Her experience in visions and journeying work, dream work and dream interpretation, vision questing, silent retreats, elemental immersions, animal spirit work, and more, give her the capacity to support the needs of the unseen world in relationship to the needs of you, your team, or your company. Through her work in developing her ability to communicate clearly with the unseen realms, Shanny is able to bring blessings, clearings, insights, and guidance from beyond the veil. Time and time again it has proven highly effective for the success of individuals and companies alike to address the needs of spirit for the sake of a better flow of energy and harmony overall. Shanny offers her shamanic gifts in many forms which come from her breadth of experience.

Understanding energetic systems is often an untapped resource that we can learn and utilize as we move into flow and ease.


Land and
Building Healings

Cleansing and spirit reconciliation work 

Price and time varies based on you needs

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Cowry Shell Divination

Using bones, stones and shells, receive guidance from ancestors and spirit guides. 

Price and time varies based on you needs

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Soul Mediumship

Connect with loved ones on the other side to hear their messages 

Price and time varies based on you needs

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All Offerings


Cleansing and spirit reconciliation work 

Price and time varies based on your needs


Connect with Shanny Harder Ronald for support and guidance

Price and time varies based on your needs


Weddings, funerals and life's significant moments

Price and time varies based on your needs


Clearing out the old to make room for the new on all levels. 

Price and time varies based on your needs


Price and time varies based on your needs

Using bones, stones and shells, receive guidance from ancestors and spirit guides 


Connect with loved ones on the other side to hear their messages 

Price and time varies based on your needs

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